blob type
blob type

ABLOBisabinarylargeobjectthatcanholdavariableamountofdata.ThefourBLOBtypesareTINYBLOB,BLOB,MEDIUMBLOB,andLONGBLOB.,TheBlobinterfacerepresentsablob,whichisafile-likeobjectofimmutable,rawdata;theycanbereadastextorbinarydata, ...Blob:typeproperty·Bl...

BLOB Data Type: Everything You Can Do With It


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MySQL 8.4 Reference Manual :

A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold a variable amount of data. The four BLOB types are TINYBLOB , BLOB , MEDIUMBLOB , and LONGBLOB .

Blob - Web APIs - MDN Web Docs

The Blob interface represents a blob, which is a file-like object of immutable, raw data; they can be read as text or binary data, ... Blob: type property · Blob() constructor · Blob: stream() method · Blob: text() method

Blob: type property - Web APIs

Blob.type is generally reliable only for common file types like images, HTML documents, audio and video. Uncommon file extensions would return an empty string.

BLOB data type

A BLOB (binary large object) is a varying-length binary string that can be up to 2,147,483,647 characters long. Like other binary types, BLOB strings are ...

[知識篇]WebAPIs - Blob

... Blob 物件,其繼承了Blob的屬性。 Blob物件屬性: size : 表示儲存的資料,總共佔了多少位元(byte)。 type : 表示儲存的資料格式(MIME type)。 範例. 這邊會舉例幾個常用 ...

使用Blob 和File 相關Web API 即時呈現上傳圖片檔案

Blob(Binary Large Object)類型的物件是一個不可變的原始資料(Immutable Raw Data),類似檔案的二進制資料,通常像是一些圖片、音訊或者是可執行的 ...

Understanding block blobs, append blobs, and page blobs

The storage service offers three types of blobs, block blobs, append blobs, and page blobs. You specify the blob type when you create the blob.

BLOB Data Type: Everything You Can Do With It

評分 4.6 (146) · US$0.00 至 US$229.00 · 開發人員 The BLOB data type is used in databases to store multimedia files and other types of files that are too large to be saved in regular fields.

BLOB data type

The BLOB data type stores any kind of binary data in random-access chunks, called sbspaces. Binary data typically consists of saved spreadsheets, program-load ...


ABLOBisabinarylargeobjectthatcanholdavariableamountofdata.ThefourBLOBtypesareTINYBLOB,BLOB,MEDIUMBLOB,andLONGBLOB.,TheBlobinterfacerepresentsablob,whichisafile-likeobjectofimmutable,rawdata;theycanbereadastextorbinarydata, ...Blob:typeproperty·Blob()constructor·Blob:stream()method·Blob:text()method,Blob.typeisgenerallyreliableonlyforcommonfiletypeslikeimages,HTMLdocuments,audioandvideo.Uncommo...